Friday, June 15, 2012

FO Friday: Ice Cream Monster!

Well I didn't finish my cow but I got this idea in my head, from a picture my daughter drew and  I just had to see if I could turn it into an amigurumi.  I recently took a class on on how to design your own monster, so I asked my 5 year old to draw some monsters for me and I would try to turn them into a stuffed animal.  Here is the drawing that I got...

I saw this and thought, I think it can do something with this. I mean what better summer project than an Ice Cream Monster?  I changed it from a sugar cone to a cake cone and decided to add little mini ice creams as the hands and voila!

The hardest part about this guy was figuring out how to get the nice defined line between the bottom and top halves of the cone.  I worked back loops only for the entire piece except this row where I switched to the front loops only, and I think it turned out great!  I love the way the ruffle sort of looks like his mouth!

What did you finish this week?  I would love to hear!


  1. Love it!!! It totally represents your daughter's drawing and is adorable. Great job!!!

  2. This is soo cool! You did a great job!

  3. This is my all-time favorite! Yummy!
